Cisco Re-Certification
Cisco Re-Certification For those Engineers that look to certify themselves in a plethora of technologies, we have a choice to keep up to date or fall behind. In particular I want to speak on Cisco's certifications and process. I got the dreaded emails from Cisco that it was time to re-certify. I say "dreaded" because we are all busy and taking an exam can take time and energy BUT such is the field we have chosen, it is a necessary evil. Wow, three (3) years goes by fast eh? Some said study and sit the CCIE Security Written but as with many certified Engineers that are actively working projects etc. it is not always possible to take 2-3 months to prepare for an exam. With that said, I decided that I could not be prepared to sit the Security Written, so I chose what I remembered to be a fun exam, and this exam would re-certify my CCNP R&S, CCNP Security certs. TSHOOT (300-135) Part One I decided to take the exam cold, with no preparation whatsoever. I mean, ...